

Safeguarding forests by switching to certified and recycled raw materials

Gucci upholds its fundamental principle of sourcing responsibly for all its cellulosic-based fibres such as viscose. A main concern here is to avoid destructive forestry practices than can be linked with this raw material. To ensure responsible management of forests we follow our parent company Kering’s comprehensive standard for cellulosic fibres and we are working deep in our cellulose supply chain to advance alignment. This Kering Standard also aligns with and builds on the excellent work of Canopy, an NGO that collaborates with brands and retailers under their CanopyStyle initiative to ensure that their supply chains are free of ancient and endangered forests.

We are well on our way to reach our 2025 target to 100% align with the Kering Standard for cellulosic fibres. Taking a closer look at viscose in our collections, in 2023, 75% of the viscose was from recycled raw materials or sourced from responsibly managed forests.

Traceability and the production processes for cellulose are other key areas we pay close attention to. We focus on minimizing the chemicals used to extract the fibres from wood pulp and tracing the entire supply chain right back to the forests so that we can ensure best practices according to the following principles:

  • Verify that cellulose comes from forests that are FSC-certified (Forest Stewardship Council) and from suppliers that meet the CanopyStyle Audit‘s strict criteria;
  • Use alternative fibres made from recycled materials or agricultural residues that are GRS-certified (Global Recycled Standards);
  • Use best efforts to source from suppliers that have a closed-loop chemical management system so that the chemicals used during processing to transform cellulose are recycled.
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