The environment on the crest of the wave with the new arcade-style game by Gucci

At Gucci we love positive contamination. Like this one, which is a mix of video games, fashion, sport and respect for the environment – in particular a love for the sea.
With Gucci surf, the new arcade-style video game designed by Gucci, in addition to offering entertainment, we transmit our passion for the environment and in particular our commitment to the topic of plastic.
We are aware that disposable plastics pose a serious problem for the environment. For this reason, through joining the Fashion Pact coalition, we are committed to eliminating single-use plastics in all our packaging and we have launched a series of actions that gradually move us away from plastic, choosing more sustainable widespread alternatives, not only in our products, but also for our stores and in our offices, with plastic-free initiatives aimed at employees.
In Gucci surf you are Leonardo Fioravanti, the Italian surfing star, and the aim, whilst riding the waves on the surfboard, is to obtain the highest score possible by collecting the plastic waste invading the oceans. While surfing, to avoid losing points, you must be careful to not disturb the sea creatures!
The game is an original and fun way to raise awareness and educate, designed to teach small daily behaviours that are good for the environment.
The Gucci surf video game has been added to the Gucci Arcade collection – the section of the Gucci app dedicated to vintage-inspired video games.
Here’s the link to the game:
Happy surfing!
“The most beautiful thing about Gucci Surf is that it’s fun and at the same time you can ‘clean-up’ the ocean. It sends a very important message for the next generation who in this way, become aware of the importance of cleaning the seas and oceans. Today, as we all know, plastic is a huge problem for our world, I am proud to be collaborating with Gucci to raise awareness among young people and help improve our planet.”