Guest-edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw, the special edition zine amplifies voices of Black women & girls

Continuing its mission to convene, unite and strengthen the voices speaking out for gender equality, CHIME FOR CHANGE has collaborated with The African American Policy Forum (AAPF) to release a special digital edition of its CHIME Zine that highlights Black women and girls in gender violence discourses, uplifts their stories, and advances a gender-inclusive narrative in the movement for Black lives.

At a time when people around the world are increasingly demanding intersectional social justice, this edition of the CHIME Zine dedicated entirely to #SayHerName encourages conversation, self-expression and meaningful action around this critical issue by centering the powerful voices of Black women and calling on the global community to join AAPF in their #SayHerName campaign.

This new CHIME Zine is guest edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw, the Co-Founder and Executive Director of AAPF, a leading authority on civil rights, Black feminist legal theory, and race, racism and the law, and the author behind “Critical Race Theory” and theory of “Intersectionality.” The #SayHerName campaign, launched in December 2014 by AAPF and the Center for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies, brings awareness to the often-invisible names and stories of Black women and girls victimized by police violence, and provides support to their families.

“AAPF is honored to collaborate with CHIME FOR CHANGE to highlight our #SayHerName campaign and bring awareness to the often-overlooked stories of Black women who have been killed as a result of police violence. Few people know the level of violence and cruelty that Black women experience. As such, the crux of our promise is to bear witness to these everyday experiences and bring to light the voices of those that live in the shadows.” -Kimberlé Crenshaw , CHIME Zine Guest Editor

CHIME FOR CHANGE’s #SayHerName special edition zine features written essays, poetry, photography and multimedia pieces from contributors curated by Crenshaw with support from CHIME Zine Editor-in-Chief Adam Eli, and art directed by visual artist MP5. The contributions demonstrate creative self-expression while confronting the intersections of race, gender identity, class, mental health, and other pressing social issues.

View and explore the interactive version of the special digital zine at or download the PDF version here.

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