
Renewable Energy

Switching to renewable energy and reducing Gucci’s footprint

Transitioning to renewable energy as a clean energy source to avoid environmental impacts, like air and water pollution, has been an important aspect of Gucci’s climate strategy and contributes to the reduction of our overall Environmental Profit and Loss (EP&L) account.

In 2022, we reached our target of purchasing 100% renewable energy for all our direct operations in accordance with RE100’s guidelines. As just one example highlighting this achievement of sustainability in action, we installed photovoltaic panelling on the rooftops of our two Italian headquarters based in Florence and Milan, which directly converts sunlight into usable green electricity for these sites.

Gucci is convinced that all of its supply chain electricity consumption will be provided by renewable sources within 2030. The move toward 100% renewable energy in the supply chain will be pursued by electrification, the on-site generation of solar energy, green energy contracts, Energy Attribute Certificates purchase and future Power Purchase Agreements.

In accordance with our Sustainability Principles, Gucci supports its suppliers in the implementation of more sustainable solutions for their energy consumption. Our suppliers are required to progressively increase energy efficiency and promote the use of renewable electricity.

In 2023 about 38% of Gucci’s direct italian suppliers’ electricity consumption came from renewable sources, in particular:

  • 33% of electricity consumption for “Assembly and manufacturing of final product” suppliers
  • 32% of electricity consumption for “Production of component parts and finishing” suppliers
  • 46% of electricity consumption for “Raw materials processing” suppliers.

Looking at the detailed breakdown of renewable electricity procurement type of our supply chain:

  • 31% of renewable electricity comes from “Grid electricity consumption from renewable source”
  • 48% of renewable electricity comes from ”Purchasing of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC)”
  • 16% of renewable electricity comes from “Renewable energy produced and consumed on site”
  • 5% of renewable electricity comes from “Renewable energy produced on site and sold to the grid”

Gucci’s renewable energy in numbers:

  • 100% green electricity in direct operations (stores, offices, warehouses and Gucci-owned factories) in accordance with RE100’s guidelines (perimeter Wordwide, results achieved in 2022)
  • 33% of electricity consumption for “Assembly and manufacturing of final product” suppliers (perimeter Italy, consumption of 2023)
  • 32% of electricity consumption for “Production of component parts and finishing” suppliers (perimeter Italy, consumption of 2023)
  • 46% of electricity consumption for “Raw materials processing” suppliers (perimeter Italy, consumption of 2023)
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