CHIME FOR CHANGE Supports Refugees Fleeing Violence in Ukraine

Gucci’s longstanding global campaign to convene, unite and strengthen the voices advocating for gender equality is donating US $500,000 to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to provide emergency support to refugees fleeing violence.

In the wake of a growing humanitarian crisis across Europe, CHIME FOR CHANGE, Gucci’s longstanding global campaign to convene, unite and strengthen the voices advocating for gender equality, is donating US $500,000 to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to provide emergency support to refugees fleeing violence in Ukraine.

“As we emerge from a global pandemic, we have learned that solidarity – global solidarity – is necessary and in everyone’s interest in times of crisis. Our common future relies upon a respect for all humankind. We are therefore supporting the UNHCR Emergency Ukraine campaign as it is mobilizing services especially for the vast numbers of women and children who are being forcibly displaced at this time. As we know, women are always disproportionately affected by conflict and will be at even greater risk of gender-based violence.”

Marco Bizzarri, former President and Gucci CEO

Nearly more than 1 million refugees, many of whom are women and children, have been forced to leave their homes in Ukraine in the past week alone, and UNHCR estimates that if current rates continue, this situation could become Europe’s largest refugee crisis this century.

This initiative follows a donation made by Kering, Gucci’s parent company, to UNHCR for the emergency in Ukraine and builds on Gucci and CHIME FOR CHANGE’s ongoing commitment to support the safety, health and rights of women and girls in all their diversity, including previous donations to women and their families in crisis situations with partners such as Women for Afghan Women, UNICEF and UNHCR, with a particular focus on supporting refugee women and children who face increased risk of violence and exploitation when forcibly displaced.

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