
Gucci announces 2024 gucci changemakers london scholarship winners

Gucci is proud to announce the second cohort of recipients for the Gucci Changemakers London Scholarship Program. This year, three scholars have been selected to receive an academic scholarship, at London College of Fashion (LCF), University of the Arts London (UAL).

The multi-year initiative with London College of Fashion, UAL, has been devised with the aim to promote a positive impact in the capital’s fashion and creative industries by offering multidisciplinary scholarships to students who face financial barriers in accessing higher education.
The 2024 Gucci Changemakers London scholars at London College of Fashion, UAL are:

  • Malak Bedidi – BA (Hons) Fashion Styling and Production
  • Micah Eghafona – BA (Hons) Creative Direction for Fashion
  • Elena Mai Kilminster-Davis – BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Content Creation

They join 2023 scholars Joy Buckley, BA (Hons) Fashion PR and Communication, Louisa Kerbouche, BA (Hons) Journalism and Content Creation, and Alicia Grilli, BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Content Creation.

The next round of applications for the Gucci Changemakers London Scholarship Program will open in March 2025.
If you want to find out more about applying, please click here for more information.

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