

Une initiative d’économie circulaire axée sur le surcyclage.

Our commitment to reduce our impact on nature led us to launch “Gucci-Up” in 2018, a project dedicated to the recovery and creative reuse of leftover materials from manufacturing.

Our contribution to the circular economy has strengthened in recent years and, with Gucci-Up, it is being incorporated more and more through new collaborations and innovations.

“Up” stands for “upcycling”, which technically means “giving value” to items that are traditionally considered as waste and turning them into resources; raw materials that can be used again and again in new production cycles. In upcycling, waste is transformed through repurposing, repairing and remanufacturing in a way that increases their value, giving it a second life or a virtuous recovery because it makes the most of natural resources and avoids waste going to landfill.

With Gucci-Up, obsolete or out-of-collection materials, scraps and waste generated by our production processes become a precious resource that triggers a new process of regeneration; a process that contributes to the reduction of environmental impacts but also in the creation of positive impacts for the community through the involvement of social enterprises.

High-quality leather and textiles that are no longer used in our production have the possibility of extending their life cycle through different destinations: they are put back on the market or donated to social enterprises for use in socially responsible projects.

In recent years we have set up several specific TAKE BACK and re-use programmes for leftover materials from manufacturing. These initiatives have led to considerable environmental savings associated with the decreased purchase of new raw materials.

Some examples:

  • In 2023 alone, we collected 180 tons of leather leftovers from Gucci’s suppliers totalling 1.148 tons between 2018 and 2023 and 306 tons of textile leftovers, totalling 1.492 tons between 2018 and 2023. We’ve also regenerated 60 tons of metal scraps, equalling 331 tons since 2018, and our material donations amounted to 67.000 meters of fabric in 2023 and 129.000 meters since launching the initiative. We will continue to expand our Gucci-Up programme and also find further innovative ways to upcycle our leftover materials.
  • Regeneration and recycling of textile waste from our supply chain achieved through a partnership with Green Line, a company specializing in the collection and recycling of textile scraps.
  • Regeneration of leftover materials from the Gucci Off The Grid ECONYL® scraps are recovered from the production of Gucci Off The Grid and then recycled to create new ECONYL® materials as part of the “GUCCI-ECONYL® PRE CONSUMER FABRIC TAKE BACK PROGRAM”.
  • Collection and reuse of industrial packaging. From 2019, we have reused protective boxes for transporting our accessories to reduce the number of new boxes we make. This is a relatively simple step with the potential for huge impact. In 2023, Gucci has been able to reuse 360,000 boxes, which meant we avoided using 44 tons of plastic for industrial packaging and 175 tons since we launched the programme in 2019.
  • Promote upcycling through all our discontinued non-branded fabrics and leathers, reusing internally or through external channels, such as donating these materials to non-profit organizations. Starting in 2020, we developed an environmentally friendly process to remove logos or other customizations from leather. In addition, as far as metals are concerned, all accessories are destined for recycling.

Extending into the community, Gucci-Up also contributes to the creation of entrepreneurial projects through partnerships with non-profit organizations that support disadvantaged people: women, migrants, people with disabilities. These partnerships translate into stories of emancipation, empowerment, redemption and innovation. Different stories, but all of them characterized by sustainability and a positive social impact. Discover some of their stories.

…see stories (Quid, Colori Vivi)


Projet QUID

Projet Quid : la mode au service de l’autonomisation des femmes vulnérables

Dans le cadre de l’initiative Gucci-Up, nous soutenons Progetto Quid, une marque de vêtements durables. Née en 2014 de la volonté d’offrir des opportunités d’emploi à des femmes issues de milieux vulnérables, l’entreprise sociale Quid permet à ces femmes de prendre un nouveau départ.
La créativité, la beauté, l’éthique et le développement durable sont les principes fondateurs de Progetto Quid, dont les produits sont fabriqués en récupérant des tissus de haute qualité non utilisés mis à disposition par différentes marques de mode.
En 2020, Progetto Quid a reçu le prix Responsible Disruption Award lors des Green Carpet Fashion Awards.


Coloris Vivi

Colori Vivi : créer des opportunités d’emploi pour les femmes migrantes

Dans le cadre de Gucci-Up, nous soutenons Colori Vivi, un laboratoire de création et de couture où des femmes migrantes de différents pays sont employées et confectionnent des vêtements et accessoires, fruits d’un partage entre différents univers culturels.

Ces femmes ont été formées par des couturières professionnelles et des bénévoles selon une approche pédagogique fondée sur l’expérience et la pratique. Les articles sont conçus à partir de matériaux de haute qualité, produits dans le cadre d’approches durables, comme le recyclage. Leur travail véhicule un message de diversité, de coexistence culturelle et d’écoconscience.

180 tons of leather leftovers recovered, totalling 1.148 tons since 2018
306 tons of leftover textiles recovered, and 1.492 tons since 2018
60 tons of metal scraps regenerated, equalling 331 tons since 2018
67.000 meters of fabrics donated to social cooperatives and 129.000 meters donated since 2018
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