CHIME FOR CHANGE希望於一個共同社群內激勵大眾積極參與平權活動,令大眾團結一心,無分國界、不分世代地爭取性別平等。
CHIME FOR CHANGE由Gucci以及聯合創辦人Salma Hayek Pinault和Beyoncé Knowles-Carter於2013年開始推行。
至今,CHIME FOR CHANGE已籌集了超過1,900萬美元,以支持全球各地數百個項目,與我們攜手合作的組織包括Equality Now、Global Fund for Women、Ms.Foundation for Women、mothers2mothers、聯合國婦女署,以及其他不同的女權主義組織及運動,它們由有色人種女性、原住民婦女和女孩、年輕女權主義者、殘疾婦女和女孩、跨性別及性別多元女性與其他在歷史上被邊緣化的群體所領導並向相關人士提供服務。
為了進一步擴大規模並慶祝能召集到一個勇於為性別平等及自我表達發聲的全球社群,在2019年,Gucci開始出版《CHIME Zine》,此刊物由社區組織者Adam Eli擔任編輯,並由意大利視覺藝術家MP5擔任美術指導,當中介紹世界各地社會運動人士及藝術家對平權作出的貢獻。您可以在以下網址查看並下載所有目前期數的數碼版本《CHIME Zine》:https://equilibrium.gucci.com/zine/.
作為CHIME FOR CHANGE承諾為世界各地的婦女及女孩創造轉變的一部分,CHIME FOR CHANGE與KERING FOUNDATION於2020年聯手發起了#StandWithWomen活動。此活動旨在為支援婦女及女孩的非牟利組織籌集更多資金,並協助應對自新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情爆發以來日益加劇的性別暴力問題。CHIME FOR CHANGE及KERING FOUNDATION的支援幫助了這些全球合作夥伴,讓他們能夠繼續動員起來,為所有女性的安全、健康及公義而努力,特別是在這段服務和資源都持續有限的期間為她們提供協助,而這些女性包括有色人種女性、變性女性、原住民女性及殘疾女性。如想得知更多關於#StandWithWomen的資訊,包括CHIME FOR CHANGE合作夥伴的重要成就,可瀏覽此處。
2021年初,為了進一步推動世界各地提倡性別平等,Gucci很榮幸能與聯合國婦女署的世代平等行動聯盟攜手,並為「女權運動與領導行動聯盟」(Feminist Movements & Leadership Action Coalition)擔任私人企業界別的牽頭角色。行動聯盟之所以成立,乃旨在促進各界的集體行動以實現性別平等,並為各個群體的女孩及婦女帶來具體成果。Gucci透過一系列政策、計劃、倡議及財務上的承諾響應了此採取積極行動的呼籲,希望能加快達致性別平等的進程。更多關於世代平等行動聯盟及Gucci承諾的資訊可於此處找到。
GUCCI CHIME計劃的成果數據 |
籌得2,150萬美元,用於支持於92個國家進行的性別平等項目及倡議 |
460個項目,共資助了182個非牟利合作夥伴與基層組織 |
全球近635,000名女孩及婦女已因Gucci CHIME的項目直接受惠,而該些項目亦已惠及超過300萬個家庭與社區成員 |

Salma Hayek Pinault

Beyoncé Knowles-Carter
Advisory Board

Hafsat Abiola
President, Women in Africa

Muna Abusulayman
Arab TV Icon, Philanthropist

Sinéad Burke
Activist and Writer

Jamira Burley
Head of Youth Engagement & Skills, Global Business Coalition for Education

Lydia Cacho
Journalist and Human Rights Activist

David Carey
Chairman, Hearst Magazines

Antonella Centra
Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability, Gucci

Sarah Chadwick
Activist, March For Our Lives

Tanya Compas
Multi-award winning youth worker and LGBTQ+ activist

Kimberlé Crenshaw
Co-Founder and Executive Director, African American Policy Forum

Scarlett Curtis
Writer, Activist and Journalist

Minh Dang
Director, Survivor Alliance

Juliet De Baubigny
Venture Capitalist

Waris Dirie
Desert Flower Foundation

Sage Dolan Sandrino
Youth Leader and Creative Director of TEAM

Emma France
Global Development and Strategic Engagement Director, mothers2mothers

Maryangel Garcia-Ramos
Executive Director, Women Enabled International

Leymah Gbowee
Gbowee Peace Foundation, Nobel Peace Prize recipient (2011)

Bethann Hardison
Executive Adviser of Global Equity and Culture Engagement, Gucci

Jeremy O. Harris

Yasmeen Hassan
Senior Advisor, Equality Now

Hung Huang
Writer, Publisher

Arianna Huffington
Founder and CEO, Thrive Global

Artist and Founder, Raising Malawi and Ray of Light Foundation

Latanya Mapp Frett
President and CEO, Global Fund for Women

Alyse Nelson
President and CEO, Vital Voices Global Partnership

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka
Former UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women

Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy
Academy Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker

Mariane Pearl
Emeritus Managing Editor, Gucci CHIME Journalism Platform

François-Henri Pinault
Chairman and CEO, Kering

Julia Roberts
Actor, Activist and Philanthropist

Mona Sinha
Global Executive Director, Equality Now

Amandla Stenberg
Actor, Artist and Activist

Caryl Stern
Executive Director, Walton Family Foundation

Cleo Wade
Artist, Poet, and Author

Teresa Younger
President and CEO, Ms. Foundation for Women