
Gucci Changemakers全球志愿者计划已推出三年,并且将继续加强Gucci员工与当地社区的联系




请继续阅读,了解Gucci Changemakers计划怎样让Gucci员工能够从事自己所关注的事业,鼓励他们怀着宽容之心去回馈社区。








携手Sesta Opera San Fedele,让服刑人员更好地改过自新并重新融入到社会中

Sesta Opera是一个在监狱系统中运营的非营利组织,Gucci员工支持该组织工作,通过一系列活动向服刑人员提供精神和物质援助,让服刑人员更好地改过自新并重新融入到社会中。这项合作已经进行了两年多。

“对我来说,成为一名创变者意味着有机会让自己站在引发社区积极变革的第一线,这要感谢Gucci公司,它了解员工在获得机会时所能产生的巨大影响。能与Sesta Opera的朋友们一起完成众多项目,我感到自豪:我们为服刑人员提供IT辅导、简历筛选和模拟面试,同他们讨论戒毒、自我赋权并提供咨询帮助。对这些在社会中不再重要的人而言,每一项援助都是给与他们关注和尊严,并时刻提醒我们自己,每个人都必须对社会的运行和发展负责。”


Centro Accoglienza Ambrosiano Onlus是一家意大利非营利组织,为全世界的母亲及其子女提供援助。这些受援者处于与虐待、暴力、经济不安全等相关的弱势境地,面临被排斥和边缘化的风险,该组织引导她们走向独立自主。Gucci间接渠道与旅游零售部门的员工与该组织共同度过了几天,Gucci团队在Centro Accoglienza Ambrosiano中心开展了一系列维护工作,例如园艺、清洁、粉刷房间和儿童娱乐等。


Gucci圣马科斯门店为Texas Diaper Bank提供支持

Texas Diaper Bank为婴儿、残疾儿童和经济困难的老年人提供尿布。来自Gucci圣马科斯门店的员工帮助组装尿布套件,分发给圣安东尼奥地区(德克萨斯州)有需要的人。




Saerom(团队经理)、Seoyoon(团队经理)、In Ho(高级客户顾问)



“录制有声读物,知道成长中的小孩会聆听您的声音并在此过程中成为他们的眼睛,这是我在Sight Savers India获得的最特别的志愿服务体验。”


Food From the Heart用心包装食物

Food From the Heart是新加坡最重要的慈善食品分销商之一,通过面包配给和食品包为消除饥饿做出切实而有意义的贡献,并通过分发玩具和生日庆祝活动带来欢乐。新加坡的Gucci员工将食品分类并用礼品袋包装好,然后分发给赞助的学校、福利院和自助收集中心。

“今天早上抽出一点时间来稍稍改变某人的生活……在Food From the Heart新加坡仓库度过一个充实的早晨”








携手Breaking Barriers提供创变者基金教育!

Breaking Barriers是一家慈善机构,其使命是帮助伦敦的难民获得知识、信心和经验,以获得稳定、令人满意的就业。它们赋予企业核心作用,让它们直接参与寻找就业解决方案并提供支持,解决难民的就业问题。伦敦的Gucci员工与Breaking Barriers合作,通过关于时尚零售世界的虚拟大师课程,为有兴趣在时尚业车间工作的人员提供培训和支持。


Spazio Aperto Servizi的园艺和修复活动

Spazio Aperto Servizi提供一项名为“Casa dell’Accoglienza”的服务,为陷入经济和社会困境的人们与家庭提供住房方面的临时帮助。Gucci员工在Casa dell’Accoglienza花时间帮助他们重新组织新房子的空间和材料,并清洁公共区域。志愿者活动的目标是对公共区域的花园进行重新整理和照料,让住在那里的人可以享受到舒适的空间和娱乐活动。


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“We may all be different fish, but in this world we swim together.”
Dobby, Operations Manager

Working with Sesta Opera San Fedele to promote dignity and social reintegration

Gucci employees supported Sesta Opera, a nonprofit organization that operates in the penitentiary system, giving moral and physical assistance to convicts to promote dignity and social reintegration through a series of activities. It is a collaboration that has been going on for more than two years.

“Being a Changemaker for me means to have the chance to put yourself in the first line to trigger a positive change in your community, thanks to a Company that understands the enormous impact that its people can create when given the opportunity. I am so proud of all the numerous projects we put in place with our friends of Sesta Opera: from IT tutoring for prisoners to CV screening and job interview simulations, from discussions on drug rehabilitation and self-empowerment to counseling. Each one of them is a way of giving importance and dignity to those who don’t matter to society anymore, and to remind yourself that everyone must take ownership on how society works and evolves.”
Alessandro, Global Wholesale & Franchising Planner

Team building as Changemakers

Gucci Indirect Channels & Travel Retail Department employees spent some days at Centro Accoglienza Ambrosiano Onlus, a nonprofit that welcomes Italian and foreign mothers and their children, who are in situations of fragility related to abuse, violence, economic insecurity, and are at risk of exclusion and marginalization, to guide them towards autonomy. The Gucci team did a series of maintenance activities for Centro Accoglienza Ambrosiano’s centers including gardening, cleaning, painting rooms, and recreational activities for the children.

“When you can access an NGO like this and meet with children and volunteers, you feel grateful and joyful. You know you are helping them, even with small things like a re-painted swing but THEY are helping you and rewarding you with such sincere smiles you’ll never forget”.
Gaia, Indirect Channels & Travel Retail Department Coordinator.

Gucci Store San Marcos for Texas Diaper Bank

The Texas Diaper Bank provides diapers to babies, children with disabilities, and seniors that struggle to afford them on their own. Gucci employees from Gucci Store San Marcos helped in assembling diaper kits for distribution to people in need in the San Antonio area (Texas).

“I care a lot about this because these items are essentials that everyone should have access too, regardless of circumstance. It’s doubly important to me and my team due to political decisions being made against women’s rights in Texas. We volunteered as a store, doing a range of activities: assembling kits for distribution, sorting apparel in the warehouse, preparing orders for families and individuals. We always have the best as a team and always look forward to going back.”
Kimberly, Lead Team Coordinator

Distributing Food for elder people

Gucci employees in Korea collaborated with National Volunteer Federation that provides eldercare services including free meal trucks for 25 regions across South Korea, with the mission to enrich the life quality of privileged people such as homeless people, children in poverty, elder people who live alone, any minority at risk.

“Through this, we are reminded of what sharing means. I also feel that this small effort can cheer people up and make them feel loved. It was so rewarding to see them smiling. We are looking forward to having more chances to help our neighbors in difficult circumstances.”
Saerom (Team Manager), Seoyoon (Team Manager), In Ho (Senior Client Advisor)

Recording audiobooks for visually impaired children

Sightsavers is an international organization that works with partners in more than 30 countries to eliminate avoidable blindness and fight for the rights and needs of people with disabilities. Gucci employees in India supported Sightsavers by recording audiobooks for children, providing them the same learning material that a child with eyesight would have, through a different medium.

“Recording an audiobook knowing that young kids growing up will be listening to your voice and becoming their eyes in the process has been uniquely the most special volunteering experience I had with Sight Savers India.”
Sahil, Senior Client Advisor

“The experience was extremely fulfilling while being interesting. The fact that this exercise would be able to help children do something extremely dear to me (reading) and an experience no child should ever have to miss out on. I’m very grateful to have been a part of it and look forward eagerly to another opportunity.”
Pavitra, Associate Store Manager & Team Manager

Food Packing at Food From the Heart

Food From the Heart is one of Singapore’s foremost charitable food distributors that makes a tangible and meaningful contribution to help fight hunger through bread rations and food packs, and bring joy through the distribution of toys and birthday celebrations. Gucci employees in Singapore helped sort and packing of food items into goodie bags for distribution to sponsored schools, welfare homes, and Self Collection Centres.

“Giving a bit of our time this morning to make a little difference in someone’s life…Fulfilling morning at Food from The Heart Singapore warehouse “
Carolyn, Retail Training Associate Manager (W&J)and Eva, In-store Trainer

Teaching coding at an orphanage

YOUMEWE in Tokyo is committed to help children growing up in institutionalized homes and prepare for life outside their centers once they reach the age of 18. They offer support programs that increase a child’s opportunity to become a productive and financially independent young adult in their community. Graduates young people who benefited from the NGO have been invited in Gucci offices to share their experience, creating a moment of awareness and exchange.

“We held a lecture event for all Gucci employees in Japan online and face-to-face, to participate, focusing on the current state of orphanages in Japan. Listening to the people who grew up in the orphanages, we had a good opportunity to learn about different types of orphanages and the concepts of social care and think about how we could further support them.”
Kyoko, Product Care Jewelry Associate

“We provided supports, such as PC booting and lesson assistance. It was so impressive that children aged 9 to 11 were flexible and immediately absorbed from what the teacher taught and reflected it into programming. Through this volunteering, we felt that “learning” about mindfulness and feeling “fun” is a growth opportunity for everyone.”
Saika, Core HR People Coordinator

Raising awareness around refugees situation with UNHCR

UNHCR is mandated by the United Nations to lead and coordinate international action for the worldwide protection of refugees and the resolution of refugee problems. Gucci employees in Japan had the opportunity to attend a webinar of UNHCR on refugees situation in Kenya and Japan.

“We were able to learn from the session that we can already contribute from our close surroundings through learning and sharing about these world issues. We did a specific workshop on the theme “Rebuilding one’s identity to understand the position of refugees”. Through the sessions, we were able to understand and realize that is the current situation of refugees and reflect on our own lives”.
Yumiko, Product Care LG & Shoes Senior Associate

Changemakers education for Breaking Barriers!

Breaking Barriers is a charity whose mission is to help refugees in London acquire the knowledge, confidence and experience to get stable, fulfilling employment. They give a central role to businesses, involving them directly in finding employment solutions and providing support that get refugees into work. Gucci employees in London collaborated with Breaking Barriers to train and coach people interested in working in the fashion industry on the shopfloor through a virtual masterclass about the fashion retail world

“Never underestimate the difference you can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out, and help. It doesn’t matter what you do, where you from, show the kindness to people”.
Almira, Client Advisor

Gardening and restoration activities for Spazio Aperto Servizi

Spazio Aperto Servizi offers a service called “Casa dell’Accoglienza” as a temporary response to the housing needs of people and families who find themselves in a situation of economic and social hardship. Gucci employees spent time at Casa dell’Accoglienza to help them reorganize the space and materials for the new houses and clean the common areas. The goal of the volunteer activity is to reorganize and care for the garden in the common area, where those staying there can enjoy the space and recreational activities.

“The smallest action for us could make a huge impact for someone else. Let’s be part of the change.”
Elena, Outlet Assistant Merchandiser

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