Las mujeres, las niñas y las personas no binarias de todas partes del mundo están totalmente entregadas y hacen frente a una situación avasalladora con una valentía arrolladora e impresionante. ¿Qué pasaría si levantáramos la cabeza, nos miráramos unos a otros y viéramos que nuestros problemas están interconectados y que podemos aprender del trabajo de los demás? Esa es la pregunta que The Meteor y Gucci CHIME plantearon en 22 For '22: Visions For a Feminist Future.

Los movimientos sociales son a menudo objeto de ataques antes de poder materializarse. Esto se da especialmente en la lucha por la igualdad de género. Las fuerzas mundiales que se benefician de la opresión de género se sienten abrumadas y buscan constantemente crear disolver nuestro movimiento. La unidad interna es una herramienta importante a la hora de lograr resultados externos. Cada uno de nuestros colaboradores de este número habla del poder que sus intersecciones aportan al movimiento hacia la igualdad de género. El cambio puede comenzar con un sonido, pero ocurre realmente cuando usamos nuestras diferencias para unirnos y actuar.

La portada de esta edición presenta a la difunta Stacey Park Milbern, una activista por la justicia para personas discapacitadas que luchó incansablemente para darle voz a las personas queer y de color con discapacidad. El legado de Stacey y esta cita son clave para el mensaje de Chime. Chime es una llamada a la acción, una petición para que centremos a los miembros más marginados de nuestras comunidades. El cambio puede comenzar con un criterio establecido, pero ocurre realmente cuando optamos por reunirnos y participar.
Adam Eli

The Generation Equality Forum (GEF) is a global gathering for gender equality convened by UN Women in partnership with youth and civil society. The purpose of this zine is to draw attention to the youth journey, the challenges and obstacles faced by the youth leaders on their way to the GEF, emphasizing how the Youth Task Force co-created their leadership, and how they transformed the process into one more accountable, intergenerational and intersectional.

Change is not granted on a carefully laid out timetable. Change happens when marginalized people demand it. Change is not an isolated incident and it happens on our terms. Change may start with a chime but happens when we choose To Gather Together.
Adam Eli

We asked our contributors to explain what they do, and most importantly how you can join them. Because they can’t do it alone. Change may start with a Chime but can only truly be achieved when we put aside our hesitation To Gather Together.
Adam Eli

The cover of our Japan spotlight features the women of Bluestocking (Seito), Japan’s first feminist literary journal. Bluestocking fostered connections between its readers, and we hope our zine will do the same. The stories in this section are not playful anecdotes—they are calls to action. We hope they inspire you to engage with the fight for global gender equality.

This issue of the CHIME Zine is an ode to all Black women — demonstrating that there is no one story that rises above, no family grief that is more important than another's, and no demand for justice that rings louder than the rest. This equal footing, and the solidarity that comes from it, is the glue that holds the #SayHerName community together. The story of the whole is the story we want to tell. Say. Her. Name.
Kimberlé Crenshaw, Guest Editor

Our dream is to help create a world with complete gender equality. A world where every type of gender expression is treated equally. A lot has to change for that dream to become a reality and this scope of change can be intimidating.
Adam Eli

In Brazil, our unique and deeply rooted history is a point of great pride and of great pain.It is not by chance that our motto has been: “If it hurts my existence, there will be resistance”. In a society in which history represents power and is the subject of dispute, the rise of divergent groups is essential. We no longer accept being invisible. We possess our own histories and they are first-person narratives. There are many stories that deserve to be told, and we have gathered some of them here.
Vitoria Regia Da Silva

These Voices have been gathered together to call for change. This is a tool that can connect us, and is therefore something greater than ourselves. We hope that you will cherish, share and engage with it – together.
Adam Eli